Steve Jobs once said, "Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn." Children are relying on computers for quick information on a daily basis. What may be more challenging is navigating their way through that information. It is necessary to learn to avoid the garbage that is out there. Children often have a difficult time deciding what is truly valuable versus advertisements, fake websites, opinion blogs, and more. These last few weeks students have been learning what to look for and avoid on the internet.
Kindergarten students are learning that the internet is a place where we can learn about new worlds. But we need to remember to ask permission, say no if it doesn't feel right, and seek help. We have explored the academy of sciences and discovered different marine animals when learning how to find valuable information.
1st Grade students have been working toward understanding that there are different types of websites. Some are perfect for kids their age (Green Light Website). Some we may think are perfect, but need to ask to be sure (Yellow Light Website). And Some make us feel uncomfortable right away (Red Light Website).
2nd Grade students have been learning about phishing. There are people out there trying to get our personal information. Second grade has learned what is personal and who we should be sharing that with.
3rd Grade students are also learning about personal information and what is safe to share and what should not be posted online. They are learning to protect their own privacy as well as the privacy of others.
4th Grade students have been learning to be upstanders. They know it is important to stand up to cyberbullies. They won't allow themselves or their friends to be victimized online.
5th Grade students are learning to be a positive online community. Not only do they stand up to bullies, but they help to send a positive message by being a role model in their online choices.
All classes have been working well to become productive and smart online citizens.